Our CLUG meeting has been cancelled 5-28-16 due to illness. Our President , Steve Jones is in the hospital recovering from appendicitis.
Author: BillStowell
Backup for gmail
Just read a useful article on lxer.com titled how to back up and restore gmail account in linux: http://xmodulo.com/2013/08/how-to-back-up-and-restore-gmail-account-on-linux.html It makes use of “Gmvault” to make a complete backup of your gmail account on your own computer. Seems like a useful application but might take a while if you’re backing up a few GB over…
Changing the mount point of a partition
Hi CLUG, I have an external backup drive. The partition that has my Linux backup files (via rsync) is recognised as 43a15d01-9f3f-4069-bdab-106832d54ff0/ when I plug my removable drive into a usb port on my computer. I tried to rename the partition. This is what I get: mv 43a15d01-9f3f-4069-bdab-106832d54ff0/ backup/ mv: cannot move `43a15d01-9f3f-4069-bdab-106832d54ff0/’ to `backup/’:…