September 27, 1998
The incorporated organization shall be named the Cincinnati GNU/Linux Users Group, Incorporated, also known as the Cincinnati Linux Users Group, hereinafter known as CLUG.
The object of CLUG is to bring together computer users who encourage the study of and use of the GNU/Linux operating system. Education of the members and the general public is a goal of the organization.
Section 1. Membership in the organization shall be open to all who are interested in the GNU/Linux operating system.
Section 2. Classes of membership
Individual, shall pay full membership dues.
Family membership shall include all rights of membership with the understanding that a family membership shall be entitled to one vote, although those having family memberships shall be permitted to make motions and speak in debate, making a dues payment as established for an individual membership.
Student membership, which may result in a reduced dues rate.
Section 3. Dues shall be proposed by the Board of Directors to be approved by the general membership.
The Board of Directors may reduce the dues for a membership on request, determining such reduction in executive session.
Family memberships shall be available to those residing in the same household.
Section 4. The fiscal year begins annually on January 1.
Dues are to be paid on January 1. Dues shall be delinquent if not received by the treasurer by February 1. Members whose dues are delinquent shall be notified of delinquency within two weeks and members whose dues are delinquent after February 28 shall be dropped from membership.
Membership dues shall be prorated on a monthly basis.
Section 1. The Board of Directors shall serve as trustees of the corporation.
Section 2. The officers shall be a president, vice- president, secretary, and treasurer.
Section 3. There shall be three directors who shall serve with the officers on the Board of Directors.
Section 4. Officers and directors shall be voting members of CLUG; they shall serve one-year terms or until their successors are elected and begin their terms of office. No officer shall serve more than two successive terms in the same position.
Section 5. Election shall take place in November with term of office to begin January 1.
Section 6. A nominating committee of three persons shall be selected by the Board with the chairman of the nominating committee not being a member of the Board. They shall nominate at least one person for each office and directorship and communicate the nominations by mail or electronic means to the membership by October 15. Nominations from the floor shall be accepted.
Section 7. Elections shall be held at the November meeting, with election by ballot unless there is only one nominee for a position when a voice vote may elect.
Section 8. The Board shall meet on call of the president or any two members with notice of at least seven days.
Section 9. The Board shall have general supervision of CLUG between meetings of the general membership and shall be authorized to determine issues which may be deliberated and voted on by electronic means. Quorum of the Board shall be four members.
Section 10. Vacancies in any position of the Board of Directors shall be filled by those remaining on the Board of Directors with the exception of the office of president which shall be filled by the vice-president should that office become vacant.
Section 11. Board of Directors meetings are open to members. The Board may go into executive session for deliberation of sensitive issues.
Section 1. Regular meetings shall be held monthly with the location, time, and date to be determined by the Board of Directors who have the authority to postpone or cancel meetings upon the agreement of four members of the Board with notice by electronic means.
Section 2. The regular meeting in November shall be the annual meeting at which officer and committee reports shall be heard, and election held. Meeting notice of at least fourteen days shall be given to all members by mail or electronic means.
Section 3. Special meetings may be held on the call of four members of the Board, or ten members who request such a meeting with notice of at least seven days by mail or electronic means.
Section 4. The quorum for regular meetings of the membership is ten members.
Section 5. Regular meetings are open to the public.
Section 1. Duties of the officers are as follows:
President: The President shall preside at all meetings of the membership and the Board of Directors. The President shall call the regular meetings and special meetings of the organization. The President shall enforce all rules of the organization and perform all duties of the presidents of like organizations. The President is a member ex-officio of all committees except the nominating committee.
Vice-president: The Vice-president shall perform all duties of the President in case of absence or disability of the President.
Secretary: The Secretary shall record minutes of all meetings of the general membership and the meetings of the Board of Directors.
Treasurer: The Treasurer shall assume responsibility for all funds and financial records of the organization. The Treasurer shall issue financial reports at meetings of the general membership and of the Board of Directors.
Section 2. In addition to described duties, officers shall perform other duties customary to the office.
The Board of Directors or the general membership gathered in meetings are each empowered to establish committees and special interest groups as needed.
The rules contained in the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern CLUG in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with these bylaws and any special rules of order CLUG shall adopt.
These bylaws may be amended at any meeting by a two-thirds vote provided notice of proposed changes, additions, or deletions shall have been submitted in writing thirty days before the meeting. Notice shall be mailed or be sent by email or FAX to all members, at least two weeks before the meeting.